Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why Keanu Reeves Should Call Me

I don't much go for writing fan letters (or fan emails, as the case may be) - - and I'm not labeling this a fan letter because I'm not the president of a fan club, I'm not asking for an autographed picture and I'm not going to show up in someone's pool (not uninvited anyhow) - - although I did send Scott Baio a birthday card when I was nine or ten.  I used my hard earned chore money to go into Revco Drugs to buy him a card and I never received a response, not even a publicity still with a stamped signature.  If by chance Scott Baio is reading this, I'm still waiting.

In all seriousness though, I do have a group of people that I greatly admire.  Basically all of them are on social media, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (am I practically the only person not on Instagram?) or have a webpage.  Yet the one person without the social media presence is the one I feel drawn to address.  (Quite naturally, I rarely take the easier path.)

I have liked Keanu Reeves since seeing him onscreen for the first time in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.  The movie is great goofy fun and watching it now, nearly thirty years later, makes me giggle and gives me warm fuzzies.  (I still bust out with "something strange is afoot at the Circle K" because it's that classic to me.) Ted Logan, as portrayed by Keanu, made me laugh, leading me to keep an eye on him.  I followed his career throughout the years, finding that even if I didn't particularly care for the movie itself, I always enjoyed his performances as he always managed to entertain me at the theater. 

Now this could be true for a handful of actors or actresses, right?  Sure.  So I have tried to put my finger on what it is exactly about Keanu Reeves that drives me to make this post and why he is a person I would genuinely like to meet.  And I've come up with the fact there isn't just one specific thing that I like and respect about him.  If you know me, you know this is me being true to form.  I can sum up very little in a few words so why would I be able to explain something quickly and easily?   Exactly, I probably can't.  But I will try.

He seems genuinely nice and there is something infinitely appealing and fascinating about a truly nice person.  Can we ever know enough nice people?  I say no.  I'm always amiable to adding someone to my circle who is kind enough to give up their seat on the subway (Google it) and be charitable without the fanfare.  I'm pretty sure that's being humble and I don't know enough of those types of people either.

I greatly respect and connect with creative people; I never tire of chatting with them because we get each other and understand what we're passionate about.  He's a writer and so am I.  He's creative and so am I.  I love to read and I've heard that Keanu is a reader.  I definitely enjoy talking books, authors, plotlines, characters . . .  There is a reason I call Barnes & Noble The Mother Ship.  I never tire of the bookstore.  We would not lack for conversation.

I used to be extremely introverted when I was younger (stop laughing, this is 100% the truth) so I understand the nature of the introvert. (Writing is generally a solitary endeavor as well.)  Keanu is reportedly introverted so I get it (if said reports are true.)  In the past I've been called stuck up and aloof from people who didn't know me or understand my then-shy personality so I can relate to people making an assumption that isn't necessarily true.  The Sad Keanu memes are bullshit in my opinion.   Just because the man eats a sandwich by himself does not mean he's sad and the nation needs to go into overdrive to make him happy.  He doesn't mind being in his own company and he's secure with that.  Hell, if going solo at times or looking serious equates to being sad, change my name to Eeyore now.

Not to brag but I have a pretty good sense of humor (okay, I'm bragging).  I do like to laugh, make others laugh and surround myself with people who appreciate it as well. Watch the YouTube clip of Keanu being "interrogated" as Mark Wahlberg for proof that he also has a sense of humor.  That bit will never not be funny to me.   No way could he poke fun at himself if he didn't have a sense of humor - - something I appreciate and is so underrated in life.  We should all laugh more.

Speaking of laughter, Keanu wants to make (another) sequel to Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, at least according to word on the street.  Okay, Bill & Ted wasn't Shakespeare and any proposed new sequel certainly won't be either.  But it will be entertaining and it will surely be funny and don't we go to the movies to be entertained?  Keanu seems to embrace the quirkiness and campy love people have for Bill & Ted which would make him awesome on its own.   Sign me up to see it because I cannot wait.

These are just a few reasons why I admire Keanu Reeves and yeah, he should call me.  And to be totally shallow, I love a man on a motorcycle.  One day I am going to learn to drive one myself (see my bucket list) but for now I am happy to enjoy the ride. 

Keanu, if you'd like to meet someone who enjoys a good conversation, laughter and is a catch according to her dog, and you're not trapped under a heavy piece of furniture, call me!  

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