My parents visited for Labor Day weekend and that was fun. It's always good to show your parental units that you are doing okay, you're not eating Top Ramen and sleeping on a futon over the age of thirty-five and you do have some good friends. The weather was decent and (surprisingly) the SoCal traffic wasn't cringe-inducing. Did everyone leave Cali for the holiday?
So with Labor Day over, that means summer is over (although not officially until the end of this month.) Normally I love summer but I am ready for it to end this year. August was not the kindest month (boo, August!) and the heat . . .
I know, I know. We Californians complain about the weather incessantly. It's either too hot, too cold, it's not raining, it's raining. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really think weather complaints are a Californian hobby. But ninety degree temps at the beach suck. Unacceptable. Especially when you don't have a/c - - because you shouldn't need it at the beach!

I am ready for autumn. I am ready for chilly nights. I am ready for fall clothes (although we really don't have much use for them until winter here.) This time of year reminds me of two things - - the huge fall/back to school issue of Seventeen magazine from my adolescence and the line in You've Got Mail about wanting to buy school supplies ("Don't you just love New York in the fall?"). As much as I love Southern California, I do miss the obvious change of seasons you see on the east coast. Who else considered the fall issue of Seventeen magazine their bible?
Speaking of - - well, relatively - - watching movies like You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, Serendipity . . . and even shows like Sex and the City make me crush on New York. Who wouldn't want a gorgeous brownstone like Meg Ryan's Kathleen Kelly in You've Got Mail? (Not to mention that beautiful little bookstore.) Or Carrie Bradshaw's completely unrealistic rent controlled writer's paradise with a closet full of Manolos? Sign me up.
Back to Labor Day. Quiet low-key day for me, since my parents flew back home. Not that I minded since I was pretty beat. I flipped channels and ended up watching a Kardashian marathon. Don't judge. What I took away from the episodes I saw? I liked the Jenner house from the early seasons much better than the larger one they upgraded to later on. The first house looked homey and comfy. I also thought Kim K. looked so much better pre-Kanye. Sorry but there it is. She looked more natural and I thought her clothing choices were better. Sorry, Kimye.
Hard to believe the show has been on for what? Seven or eight years? They certainly did a stellar job creating an empire out of a family that really didn't do all that much initially when you think about it. Kris Jenner is most definitely a shrewd business manager.
Anyone else get stabby over traffic today? First day of school gives us Californians a legitimate gripe.
Happy Hump Day!
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