Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Note From 17 Year Old Me and My Response

Dear Future Me,

So I'm writing this to you thirty years down the road . . . thirty years, wow!  That makes you forty-seven.  Forty-seven.  God that's old. 

Where do I see me/you in 2015?  

Living in California.  If not, I'll die.  The beach would be nice but Hollywood/L.A. is even better.  A nice house that is gated, something that others would be jealous of.  I hope that you're a successful screenwriter with a few Oscars to prove it.  At least.  You should have picked up your first Oscar by twenty-five.  If you haven't done it by thirty, it's over. 

Maybe even a novelist.  That would be cool too.  As popular as Stephen King or V.C. Andrews, with a full-fledged library in your home and a pretty room for your typewriter.

Surely no job working in an office.  Barf.

Married?  Maybe.  Only if you found an incredibly good looking guy that swept you off your feet.  Like John Taylor from Duran Duran?  Sigh.

You would be living without a care in the world, life is excellent and easy.


Dear Youthful Me,

First, yes . . . forty-seven.  Get a grip.  It's not that old.  Fifty is the new thirty these days.  Life doesn't even start to really get good until thirty.  And don't roll your eyes at me.

I live in California but not in Hollywood or even L.A.  I do live at the beach though so that should make you happy.  Not in a big home that's gated but it's still wonderful.  Don't be afraid to move and try something new.  Don't worry about having a big house because downsizing will be popular when you hit your forties.  So many incredible experiences are awaiting you - - new things, new places, wonderful friends.  Savor them, don't wish the time away by pining to be older.  On that - - while you may be aggravated now that you look younger than your years, in the future this will thrill you to no end.  It's a good thing.

Some of your friends you will lose over the years.  Don't fail. to appreciate them and tell them how much you love them.  They can be gone in an instant.  This holds true for your family, too - - they are incredible and you are blessed.  Don't ever forget that.

I work in law at an "office job" so I'm not a screenwriter.  Stop crying.  It's never too late.  (You will take a writing seminar one weekend at UCLA.  It will be an amazing experience and it will lead you to take other writing classes/seminars that are worth their weight in gold.)  Do I wish I had followed my dreams and went full on with screenwriting?  Yes, I do.  I don't want to regret anything but I am curious as to what would have happened if I had.  I fell in love instead and got divorced.  It happens.  It's going to happen to a lot of people you know.  It's going to be one of the hardest experiences you will endure but here's the good news about that - - it's going to make you stronger.  You may not realize it now but you have a pretty solid backbone in there.  Use it.  Stand on your own two feet.  You don't need anyone to complete you (that's going to be a tagline in a Tom Cruise movie in the future.  The movie you will like but Tom Cruise is going to get a bit crazy pants in the future.  Make a mental note now that if you pass by any buildings or people that offer you a free personality test, especially in the L.A. area, keep right on walking.) 

You have a sense of humor that's going to carry you through a lot of shit.  Embrace it and be grateful for it.  Don't be timid about keeping your thoughts to yourself but always remember to be tactful. 

What other advice can I give you? 

Go read Pride and Prejudice.  Now.  It's never been required reading in school and won't be for you in college either (sadly) but it will change your life.  It will lead you to love Jane Austen and many Regency works and historical fiction.

Don't quit playing the piano entirely.  No, you won't go to school and major in music but quitting full stop after ten years of instruction is a mistake.  Piano gives you great joy and would probably continue to give me great joy today if I had kept with it.

Floss. Really, just do it.  You're going to have those dreams about your teeth falling out no matter what but flossing is a good habit to start now.  Exercise too. You won't be 100 pounds forever.  And let's talk about your body for a moment.  It's perfect the way it is.  Next year, you're going to wake up with hips.  It's just the way it is.  Quit focusing on what's wrong with your body and accept the incredible and fluid machine it is.  Use it more.  As you get more mature, things that were so easy at seventeen won't be quite the same at forty-seven. 

Drink more water and less soda.  Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper are awesome but terrible for your health.  Try different foods.  You will be amazed what foods you will like as you get older.  There's more to life than burgers and fries.  (A little secret for you - - you are going to stop eating red meat in the future and live to tell the tale.)  Get out of the sun.  Stop tanning.  It looks phenomenal right now to be golden tan and it's incredible to lie in the sun with a good book.  Keep the book, ditch the sunning.  Your skin will thank you.  Sunscreen.  With a high SPF.  Hats are good too.   Your face will be relatively free of wrinkles at forty-seven but you can't start too early.   Moisturize every day while you're at it.  I know you have oily skin now but oily skin needs moisturizer too.  One day in the future, you will have normal to dry skin and moisturizer will be a necessity. 

You will grow out of your bad boy phase.  Not soon enough but bygones.  Learn from it.  Being soft spoken is not a crime and it doesn't make anyone less virile.  A gentle and kind heart is pretty damn spectacular.  Always stick with someone who makes you laugh.  The same way that your sense of humor is going to be a saving grace at times, you will need a man who can bring a chuckle or even an unapologetic snort, tears and a belly ache from laughing so hard.

You can be kind without having to be nice all the time to everyone.  It's okay.  No one is going to think any less of you when you say "no."  If they do, they don't think much of you to begin with.

You are always going to love sports, reading, music and old movies.  Anyone who puts them down or makes you feel bad for liking them, cut those assholes out of your life.  You are going to encounter a few people who are going to tell you that writing is stupid, a waste of time or say you don't have what it takes.  Keep it moving, sister.  Put those people on mute.  Cut them out too.  Never apologize for being YOU.  Because you, with your quirks and your weird little heart, are pretty awesome, all things considered.

Smile more.  Laugh more.  Worry less.  Take chances.  Aim high.  Celebrate.  Everything is going to be okay, I can assure you of that.  You're smarter than you think.  You're stronger than you think.  You're funnier than you think (okay, maybe that one's a draw.)  You are a survivor. 

Most importantly, don't settle for anyone or anything.  Be You.  Don't wait for your life to start.  Start it yourself.  Make it happen.  You got this.  Carry on.


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