Thursday, July 30, 2015

What The *&$%?

Do you ever feel as though the universe is conspiring to either hit you with a 2x4 to get a message across or you have really pissed someone off in a past life?

This week has really hit the suckometer for me.  My commute is really trying my patience (the price we Southern Californians must pay), I am still dealing with post-move fall-out, my dog woke me at 2 a.m. one morning barking at . . . something (and he is not a barky dog generally), work has been hectic and I dropped my iPad and shattered the screen.

The last one is a dagger through the heart. I love my iPad.  It goes with me everywhere.  Okay, it went with me everywhere.  I have tons of books downloaded to it, audio books for my commute, pictures, I check my email and do my banking on it and I have downloaded my favorite music to it.  I do have days where I need to listen to the Stones, Fleetwood Mac and/or Metallica on repeat in order to start my day.  Now my iPad looks as though I hurled it at someone's head (according to a co-worker.)  Sigh.

To add further insult to injury, I am finding that I don't have the time I used to have to devote to writing reviews.  I still love writing them but the process is becoming more of a chore than an enjoyable task and I hate feeling as though I have let someone down because I haven't posted a review or it's late.  I am thinking that maybe it's a sign that I need to step away from the scheduled book reviews.  I'll still read (of course!) and I can post reviews on those books I feel like reviewing or have the time but put more of my time into my own writing.  (So why do I feel as though I'm being soooo selfish right now?) 

Any thoughts on this?  Please share.

I did just order a desk for my new writing space (formerly known as the dining room.)  It will go next to my floor fountain, which is supposed to provide me with some much needed feng shui awesomeness.  I'm excited about the desk and having a dedicated area to work on my creativity versus just wherever I happen to plop down.   That's the silver lining to this week.

Notice my picture above - - that's the Minion that sits at my desk at work.  Yes, he came from a Happy Meal.  I didn't buy the Happy Meal but one of my co-workers, knowing of my adoration of all things Minion, gave me the one that came from her son's Happy Meal.  And yes. . . it does sound like the Minion is saying "What The *&$%?"  Making him a perfect Minion for me and the title of this post. 

Is it Friday yet?

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