I was talking to a friend about things that are just a mystery and she suggested that I make a post out of it. So here it is, Julie, my current list of "It's a Mystery":
How does traffic on the freeway completely stop? If everyone is moving along at a decent speed and continues moving, even with more cars, how does it stop? It's a freeway.

Who would want to invent Cheez Whiz and why? Just why?
A Del Taco next door to a 24 Hour Fitness. Is the Del Taco there as a reward after working out or is the 24 Hour Fitness there as punishment for eating Del Taco?
CVS and Walgreens across the street from each other. Literally across the street from each other. Why? Are people so lazy they won't actually cross the street? Or is the concept that people driving on one side will go to a certain drugstore, similar to the gas station?
This is a bit morbid but it is me so . . . how do we not run out of land for cemeteries? Isn't land finite? Are bodies (or just headstones) being moved a la Poltergeist? Do I want to know?
How have I not yet met Robert Downey, Jr.? No . . . really.
John Cusack has never won an Oscar. Mind blowing, right? Shame on you, Hollywood.
Who thought it was a good idea to remake Beverly Hills 90210?
That's all I've got right now. How about you? Anything to add?
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